Priority Waitlist Interest Form

  • Introduction
  • Housing | Residential Staffing Services
  • Vocational Employment Services | Two Year Transition Academy
  • Autism Works School Program | Positive Behavior Support
  • Final Comments
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To ensure we have all the necessary information, please allow a minimum 15 minutes to complete the interest form

How did you hear about A New Leaf?
Name of Individual seeking services:
Name of Individual seeking services:
Does the Individual’s Parents/Guardian give consent to collect, use, and disclose the information of the Individual?
Are you a member of a federally recognized tribe?
Is the Individual seeking service currently employed?
Does the Individual have a Secondary Diagnosis?
Does the Individual have a Medical Diagnosis?
Please check all that apply – past & present:
(Options selected do not disqualify the Individual from services)
Does the Individual require adaptive equipment?
Where does the Individual require adaptive equipment?
Is the Individual currently receiving Developmental Disability Services (DDS) through the state of OK?
Who is the assigned Case Manager?
Who is the assigned Case Manager?
First Name
Last Name
What waiver is the Individual on?
What specific type of Community Waiver?
Are you interested in a Private Pay option?
Does the Individual have an Individual Plan (IP)?

Maximum file size: 10MB

(jpg, jpeg, png, pdf)
Does the Individual have a Guardian other than self?
Name of Guardian:
Name of Guardian:
Guardian Address:
Guardian Address:
Is someone other than the Individual or Guardian (if applicable) filling out this form?
Name of Form Filler:
Name of Form Filler:
What is the Form Filler’s relation to the Individual?